Is Anybody There? - Film Clip

  • Sir Michael Caine gives one of the finest performances of his career as a retired magician who reluctantly enters a family-run old age home in John Crowley’s IS ANYBODY THERE? Set in a seaside English town circa 1987, IS ANYBODY THERE? charts the unlikely friendship that develops between Caine’s proud, acerbic old performer and the death-obsessed young son (played by SON OF RAMBOW’S Bill Milner) of the home’s overwhelmed owners. Written by Peter Harness, who draws from his own experience growing up in a retirement home, IS ANYBODY THERE? brings a rich humor as well as a rigorous honesty to its portrait of different lives colliding under one roof. With a supporting cast that includes Anne-Marie Duff (THE MAGDALENE SISTERS), David Morrissey (THE DEAL), Rosemary Harris (SPIDER-MAN) and Leslie Phillips (VENUS), IS ANYBODY THERE? tells a charming story about growing up and growing old, and the unpredictable adventures that happen along the way.

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