The Transcendents - Trailer

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    Roger, a Rasputin-like drifter, is in search of the ultimate indie-rock band, The Transcendents: A band that was on the brink of greatness before disappearing from the world. What he finds is less than transcendent: a band that has all but abandoned society, a host of unpleasant memories, and more questions than answers in his search. Set in the Wonderland of America's Do-it-Yourself music scene and populated by many great musicians he must decide what is more important, fame and adulation or staying true to you.
    Directed by: Derek Ahonen
    Starring: Savannah Welch, Rob Franco, Ben Reno, Kathy Valentine, William LeRoy, Paul Sevigny, Cecilia Deacon

    Quelle: (Englisch) - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

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