She is the Ocean - Trailer

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    A woman is like the ocean: a true force of nature. SHE IS THE OCEAN follows nine extraordinary women, scattered across all corners of the globe. But they are united by the same sea, and their love for these waters is matched only by their dedication to preserve and protect them. A journey of both natural beauty and human empathy, SHE IS THE OCEAN is the story of powerful women with depths unknown.
    Directed by: Inna Blokhina
    Starring: Cinta Hansel, Coco Ho, Ocean Ramsey, Anna Bader, Rose Molina, Keala Kennelly, Andrea Moller, Jeannie Chesser, Sylvia Earle

    Quelle: (Englisch) - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

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