Lustiges Film-Bilder-Raten

  • Zitat von star-surfer

    Colors - Farben der Gewalt

    Hoffe jetzt sind wir wieder Freunde! :wink:

    :ok: :super:

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Sagt mir rein gar nix!

    Wohin fährst du auf Urlaub im Ösi-Land?

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zillertal ist wunderschön, Nauders kenne ich nur von Fotos!

    Gibt´s einen Tipp zum Bild oder willst du noch warten?

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Ist das eine Teeniekomödie? Die Schränke sehen irgendwie nach Highschool aus. :gruebel:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Nauders ist cool. Bist in 2 Minuten in der Schweiz und in 5 in Italien. Und mit dem Auto in 25 Minuten in Samnaun (Zollfrei einkaufen, gehört zur Schweiz)

    Zum Film:
    Hat mit Teenie nix zu tun. Für den Dreh wurde eine der größten Hallen gebaut die je für einen Film entstanden sind, mit Einflüssen von verschiedenen amerikanischen und europäischen Städten... Läuft als Drama/Romance/Comedy und mehr bei imdb!

    Heaven doesn´t want me, and hell is afraid I´ll take over!!!

  • Terminal!

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Und jetzt wieder aus der Sparte "Errät ihr nie" :grinsup: :

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von star-surfer


    Hab ich noch nicht gesehen!

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zitat von cracked

    Hab ich noch nicht gesehen!

    Ich auch nicht. Bin nur durch die größte Halle und dem Genre draufgekommen.

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von -BioPilz-

    TITANIC??? kann aber glaub net sein oda?

    Das Schiff soll tatsächlich die Titanic darstellen, aber es ist nicht der Film mit Namen Titanic!

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Ich auch nicht. Bin nur durch die größte Halle und dem Genre draufgekommen.

    Ist eigentlich ne ganz nette Geschichte. Für nen gemütlichen Fernsehabend genau richtig, nicht zu anspruchsvoll.

    Heaven doesn´t want me, and hell is afraid I´ll take over!!!

  • Zitat von cracked

    Britannic :lachen2:

    In der Brotdose übernachtet, weil du so scherzelst? :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von star-surfer

    Atlantik oder East Side West Side

    Der Name Titanic kommt schon vor im Titel, aber eben nicht nur! :mrgreen:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Der Name Titanic kommt schon vor im Titel, aber eben nicht nur! :mrgreen:

    Toll, laut imdb gibt´s da über 50 Stück von! :evil:

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zitat von star-surfer

    Wohl eher "A night to remember"

    # A Night to Remember (1958)
    alternativ: "Letzte Nacht der Titanic, Die" - Germany

    Nein, auch nicht.

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von cracked

    Toll, laut imdb gibt´s da über 50 Stück von! :evil:

    Schade, nicht mein Problem! :lachen2:

    OK, Tip: es wurde ein Buch verfilmt
    Der Film zu einem anderen Buch des Autors kommt bald heraus.

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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