lustiges labern mit kyle und plasma-x...

  • Zitat von Tito

    Scarlettola ich liebe dich ^^

    Scarlettola??? :huuch:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von KitKat

    Um Himmels Willen! Dann bin ich ja auch ein Vampir!! :uaarg: :schwitz: ...ach Moment mal....das bin ich ja schon lange.....:lol:

    Schnellmerker :lachen2:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von Tito

    Sie oder ich ??


    Zitat von Tito

    Wollte nur meine Zuneigund zu Vampiren ausdrücken ;)
    Sitzt du jetzt gerade im Kellerbüro ?? und
    wieso bist du wach ??

    Mächtigen Vampiren stört das Tageslicht nicht :cool:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von KitKat

    Tja, so bin ich eben. Langsam im Kopf und stolz darauf! Da kannste Marius fragen. :lachen2:

    Betreffend was hat er die Erfahrung gemacht? :lol:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Betreffend was hat er die Erfahrung gemacht? :lol:

    Ach naja, er macht irgendeinen Witz und ich kapier den dann erst 'ne Weile später. Oder er erzählt mir was und ich antworte erst 'ne halbe Minute später darauf. Sowas halt. (Im Chat mag das ja noch in Ordnung sein, aber am Telefon sollte es doch eher nicht vorkommen...:lol: )

  • Zitat von KitKat

    Ach naja, er macht irgendeinen Witz und ich kapier den dann erst 'ne Weile später. Oder er erzählt mir was und ich antworte erst 'ne halbe Minute später darauf. Sowas halt. (Im Chat mag das ja noch in Ordnung sein, aber am Telefon sollte es doch eher nicht vorkommen...:lol: )


    Momentan geschlossen wegen is nicht

  • Zitat von Tito

    Huch ne ganz tolle ^^

    Das sowieso :twisted:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von KitKat

    Achso, hab's kapiert...:roll:

    Soweit zum Schnellmerker :lachen2:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von Tito

    das war auf scarletts aussage bezogen
    also, dass sie ein krasser vampir ist ;)

    Wie gesagt, bin manchmal eben ein bisschen langsam. :oops: Ignoriert meine Nachfragen beim nächsten Mal einfach. Ich kapier's sowieso irgendwann von allein. :lachen2:

  • Zitat von KitKat

    Tja, so bin ich eben. Langsam im Kopf und stolz darauf! Da kannste Marius fragen. :lachen2:

    ey! nicht nur marius! ;)

    ich habe einen ganz einfachen geschmack: ich bin immer mit dem besten zufrieden
    oscar wilde

    nörgelnde ruhrpottpflanze


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  • Zitat von KitKat

    Wie gesagt, bin manchmal eben ein bisschen langsam. :oops: Ignoriert meine Nachfragen beim nächsten Mal einfach. Ich kapier's sowieso irgendwann von allein. :lachen2:

    Machen wir :lachen2:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • WB nina!

    Zitat von Mirco

    jemand da?

    Sieht so aus :lol:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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