lustiges labern mit kyle und plasma-x...

26.12.24 - 11:00 - Aktuell gibt es Probleme Beiträge zu erstellen. Problem ist bekannt, ich arbeite dran. 🕵🏻‍♂️
  • Zitat von Mirco

    Schnuckelchen, wir müssen uns nochmal über ness unterhalten :hehe:

    schnuckelchen.... soso.. ich glaub WIR beide müssen uns gar nicht mehr unterhalten......

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • ich? ich doch nichht, du vllt... ich bin dabei DICH zu verlassen du schufft! :D

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • Zitat von Ness

    ich? ich doch nichht, du vllt... ich bin dabei DICH zu verlassen du schufft! :D

    :huuch: :heul2:

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  • Zitat von nina

    ich mag mich irren.....aber das sieht nach panik aus ;)

    Panik hoch mind.

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  • *wieder ins threat stolpert*

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • hey schnuggi

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

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  • so ich muss dann in 5 min los, hab ein akutes haarproblem

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • Zitat von Mirco

    Nicht sauer??? :schüchtern:

    das trag ich nicht hier aus ..... *zwinka*

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • also pupsis ich muss langsam los, wie gesagt frauenprobleme, ich heul gleich *lol
    also wenn wat is ich hab handy mit!

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

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  • schwere stunde? wasn los? mirco ich hab ein haarproblem schlimmer kanns bei dir einfach nicht sein!

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

  • Zitat von Ness

    schwere stunde? wasn los? mirco ich hab ein haarproblem schlimmer kanns bei dir einfach nicht sein!

    ok, dann hau ab. Aber unterstell mir nächstes mal nicht, das ich dich in stich lasse! Außerdem siehste immer bezaubernt aus hasi :kuss:

  • Zitat von Mirco

    Immernoch nicht! Stell dir einfach einen kreidebleichen mirco vor, der ca. 30cm weitaugerissene verweinte augen hat und der den Strick schon bereitgestellt hatt :lachen2:

    etwa so? Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.


    "Aber was ist, wenn es Morgen kein Morgen gibt? Heute gabs auch keins."

  • hach zucker!
    naja getz seh ich ******* aus wie nina sagte " irgendwie ungewohnt brav"! das muss geändert werden! also ich bin haar schneiden bzw retten lassen, ich hab handy mit und beim verlassen stehts jetzt 1549687745 : 1 honey!
    bis später peter p.s. ich schlaf bei der also bin ich nur noch via handy zu erreichen

    First date, we ate sushi and
    it went well,I was funny and
    You said I was a cutie
    That's the last thing I heard from you

    Here's how I guess the story goes
    You would've came if I was a hoe
    **** for parts, that's just not how I roll
    Move it on down the road

    who´s the geilste?

    Everybody´s darling =D

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