Kate Nash: Underestimate The Girl - Trailer

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    Kate Nash reaches the stratosphere of pop music at 18. Ten years later she is nearly homeless: dropped by her music label for making punk music and defrauded by her manager – which is too common in the music business, Kate rises from the darkness through her music, fighting back. From pop wonder, to riot grrrl, to TV wrestling queen (she lands a part on Glow) Kate’s journey is an inspiring call to the creative heart in all of us: be fearless.
    Directed by: Amy Goldstein
    Starring: Kate Nash, Alicia Warrington, Tom Biller, Kate Craig, Jeff Ellis, Marie Nash, Frederik Thaae, John Kennedy, Emma Hughes, Linda Buratto

    Quelle: Apple.com (Englisch) - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

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