Food Club - Trailer

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    Food Club revolves around three longtime girlfriends from elementary school who are coming into their prime and finding a new lease on life after participating in a cooking course in Italy. Marie (Olesen) is abandoned by her husband on Christmas Eve, leading her identity as part of a happy family to crumble; while Berling (Ekblad) is the eternal bachelorette who lives the sweet life but has a complicated relationship with her daughter; and Vanja (Lehfeldt) lives with the memories of her late husband and has difficulty moving on.
    Directed by: Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg
    Starring: Kirsten Olesen, Stina Ekblad, Kirsten Lehfeldt, Michele Venitucci, Troels Lyby, Rasmus Botoft, Mia Lyhne

    Quelle: (Englisch) - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

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