Filmzitate Quiz

  • The Crow, aber da irritiert mich der Indianer?! :confused:

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zitat von Groundhog

    Nein, aber normalerweise ist dieser Charakter kein Tier. Und wenn er es ist auch nicht 100%ig ;) da steckt nämlich noch ein bisschen Indianer in ihm. Na wenn das mal kein Tip ist...

    Ein deutlicher Tip, das ich den Film nicht kenne?
    Bei God's Armee hatte der erste oder der zweite mit Indianer entfernt zu tun :gruebel:

    Oder eventuell eine Steven King - Verfilmung?

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von cracked

    Also ich hab keinen Plan! :confused:

    Ich auch nicht.


    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Pierre Briece, Kevin Costner, ... :lol:

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zitat von Groundhog

    auch nicht. ihr vergesst meine tipps ;)

    Ein schwuler Indianer, der was mit einem Tier zu tun hat; das wär doch Schuh des Manitou, mit dem Hasenkostüm :lol:

    Außerdem hast du behauptet, ich würde den Film auch kennen, Schuh des Manitu ist der einzige, den ich mir mit Bully angetan habe, und ich bereue es noch immer

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Hat Bully nicht auch mal synchronisiert? :confused:

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

  • Zitat von Groundhog

    :respekt: natürlich

    Und ich hab ihn tatsächlich nicht gesehen! ;)

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Ein Schriftsteller ist man erst, wenn jemand deinen Scheiß auch gelesen hat.

    Everybody be cool ... you be cool!

    Sure, Kill Bill's a violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie.
    You don't go to see Metallica and ask the fu**ers to turn the music down.
    - Quentin Tarantino

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