lustiges labern mit kyle und plasma-x...

  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Teilweise kenn ich die Ausdrücke auch aussem Deutschen...

    Die werden dann nur nicht gleich ausgesprochen :lol:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Hier hab ich sowas gefunden, unter Wortschatz ist eine Art Wörterbuch ;)
    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Das ja noch "schlimmer" als Österreichisch. :lol:

    Some men see things as they are and say: Why?
    I dream things that never were and say: Why not?

  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Das ja noch "schlimmer" als Österreichisch. :lol:

    Natürlich ist das schlimmer, das ist ein deutscher Dialekt :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Tu nicht so: Österreichisch ist auch ein deutscher Dialekt. ;)

    War mißverständich ausgedrückt, sorry: Hauptsache, wir sind nicht aus Deutschland :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Gootseidank bin ich nicht aus Österreich. ;)

    Ja, find ich auch :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Ja, find ich auch :grinsup:

    Da sind wir uns ja einig, dass jeweils das eigene Land das Tollste ist und vor dem anderen gut geschützt bleiben sollte. ;)

    Some men see things as they are and say: Why?
    I dream things that never were and say: Why not?

  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Da sind wir uns ja einig, dass jeweils das eigene Land das Tollste ist und vor dem anderen gut geschützt bleiben sollte. ;)

    Ja :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Schönes WE an alle und etliche! :seeyeah:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Hier, hier, ich, ich les das heute morgen. :D

    Moin miteinander. :winkewinke:

    Das ganze Leben ist ein Witz, ein riesengrosser Scherz. Und wenn Du versuchst diesen Witz Ernst zu nehmen bekommst du Magengeschwüre und Depressionen

    Du brauchst die Gelassenheit die Dinge hinzunehmen, die Du nicht ändern kannst.
    Du brauchst den Mut, die Dinge zu ändern, die Du ändern kannst.
    Du brauchst die Weisheit zwichen beidem zu unterscheiden.

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