lustiges labern mit kyle und plasma-x...

  • Zitat von nina

    die richtige rechnung ist übrigens 1974-1954+1990= 2010 ;)

    Hast du jetzt extra den Taschenrechner rausgekramt? :lachen2:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von nina

    die richtige rechnung ist übrigens 1974-1954+1990= 2010 ;)

    In 2010 Jahren, wenns dann die WM noch gibt. :lol:

    @Scarlett: Könnte ich, wenn ich ihn selbst verstehen würde :lachen2:

    Ich bin auch mal essen. Bis nachher.

  • Zitat von kyle

    @Scarlett: Könnte ich, wenn ich ihn selbst verstehen würde :lachen2:

    Ich bin auch mal essen. Bis nachher.


    Guten Appetit!

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von kyle

    In 2010 Jahren, wenns dann die WM noch gibt. :lol:

    wenn man weiss,daß es sich bei 1954,1974 und 1009 um jahreszahlen handelt,dann kommt man erst gar nicht auf so einen gedanken ;)

    ich habe einen ganz einfachen geschmack: ich bin immer mit dem besten zufrieden
    oscar wilde

    nörgelnde ruhrpottpflanze


  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Hast du jetzt extra den Taschenrechner rausgekramt? :lachen2:

    quatsch,ich habs mir vorrechnen lassen ;)

    ich habe einen ganz einfachen geschmack: ich bin immer mit dem besten zufrieden
    oscar wilde

    nörgelnde ruhrpottpflanze


  • Zitat von nina

    wenn man weiss,daß es sich bei 1954,1974 und 1009 um jahreszahlen handelt,dann kommt man erst gar nicht auf so einen gedanken ;)

    Ich glaube, die richtige Rechnung lautet 1974+1954+1990=5918. Das passt auch mit Nostradamus zusammen, da in diesem Jahrtausend die Welt untergeht :lachen3:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von nina

    quatsch,ich habs mir vorrechnen lassen ;)

    Ach so, dann bin ich beruhigt. :lachen2:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Ach so, dann bin ich beruhigt. :lachen2:

    ich mach mir doch keinen stress :lol:

    ich habe einen ganz einfachen geschmack: ich bin immer mit dem besten zufrieden
    oscar wilde

    nörgelnde ruhrpottpflanze


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  • Zitat von nina

    ich mach mir doch keinen stress :lol:

    Gut so. :lol:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von scarlettrose

    Ich hab das zwei Stunden lang beobachtet, KitKat und Uli waren da, ohne auch nur einen Laut von sich zu geben :lol:

    hi zusammen!
    ich hatte keine zeit...war nur zur stippvisite da...

    You could say to the universe: this is not fair! And the universe would say: oh, isn't it? Sorry.
    (Terry Pratchett Soul Music)

  • Zitat von kyle

    Ja, das passt ja perfekt :lol:

    Ich weiß :grinsup: :rosen:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von Ulülülü

    hi zusammen!
    ich hatte keine zeit...war nur zur stippvisite da...

    Immer diese Ausreden :lol:
    Hi, Uli! Wie gehts?

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von Ulülülü

    na, wie ist bei euch? bei mir ist allet juut...

    Abgesehen davon, das ich in letzter Zeit definitiv einen Sonnenstich hatte, blendend. :lol: Ich hab heute genug gelästert, um mich wieder aufzubauen :grinsup:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von kyle

    Hier ists zu warm. :?

    OK, das trübt auch bei mir die Stimmung.

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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  • Zitat von kyle

    Hier ists zu warm. :?

    wie ich vorher schon mal erwähnte: ich bin so froh, im moment bei meinen eltern zu sein...danke für ein kühles erdgeschoss!!:lol:

    You could say to the universe: this is not fair! And the universe would say: oh, isn't it? Sorry.
    (Terry Pratchett Soul Music)

  • Zitat von Ulülülü

    wie ich vorher schon mal erwähnte: ich bin so froh, im moment bei meinen eltern zu sein...danke für ein kühles erdgeschoss!!:lol:

    Und danke, das du uns das auch noch unter die Nase reibst :hehe:

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

  • Zitat von Swingerfreund1

    Tag, alle zusammen! :winkewinke:

    Hi, Swingerfreund! Wie gehts?

    I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do; Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you. (Lyrics 'Can you Picture That' - 'The Electric Mayhem)

    If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I wrote (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)

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