Michelle Pfeiffer - Tausend Morgen
Schauspieler-Film (Spiel)
Jessica Lange - Blue Sky
Chris O'Donnell - Vertical Limit
Robbin Tunney - End of Days
Kevin Pollak - Wedding Planer
Jennifer Lopez - The Cell
Vince Vaughn - Psycho
William H Macy - The Cooler
Alec Baldwin - Mercury Puzzle
Kim Dickens - Hollow Man
Kevin Bacon - Apollo 13
Ed Harris - A History of Violence
William Hurt - The Village
Joaquin Phoenix - 8mm
8mm - Peter Storemare - Fargo
Steve Buscemi - Con Air
Con Air - Danny Trejo - Anaconda
Ice Cube - Boyz n the Hood
Laurence Fishburne - Mystic River
Mystic River - Kevin Bacon - Footloose
Chris Penn - Mord nach Plan
Mord nach Plan - Sandra Bullock - Die Jury
Matthew McConaughy - Die Herrschaft des Feuers
Die Herrschaft des Feuers - Christian Bale - American Psycho
Reese Witherspoon - Walk the Line
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