{Cube² - Hypercube} Extended Ending

  • Ich habe das verlängerte Ende auf der der französischen Coffret Collection von Cube² gesehen. Max von CubeX hat sich die Mühe gemacht und es abgetippt.
    Möchte es gern posten weil es etwas mehr Aufschluß gib - jedenfalls denke ich das.

    The extended ending.
    Kate wakes up in the hangar and is helped to stand up exactly like in the release ending. She is escorted over to where the General is standing waiting for her.
    General: "Hello Kate, welcome back. ...So, you figured it out?"
    Kate: "Yes sir, no time to spare."
    General: "And Alex Trusk is he..."
    (interrupting to correct him) Kate: "She, sir. Alex Trusk is a girl."
    (smiling slightly) General: "Really? Isn't that something."
    (serious now) General: "Still. Is she..."
    (finishing his sentence for him) Kate: "...Terminated, sir?"
    Cut to a close up shot from Kate's perspective of Sasha in the Hypercube.
    Sasha: "Why do you think you're in here Kate?"
    Cut back to Kate talking with the General.
    Kate: "...Those were my orders sir."
    Cut back to the close up shot from Kate's perspective of Sasha in the Hypercube.
    (fiddling with her necklace) Sasha: "Maybe they just like to watch us squirm..."
    Cut back to Kate talking with the General.
    General: "Are you alright?"
    (looking down at the floor) Kate: "I think she was onto me."
    General: "Really? Hmm, well it's all academic now isn't it. ...One more question, the device, any luck?"
    The man at the General's side walks over and Kate gives him the device in exactly the same way as in the release ending.
    General: "We'll take that to Darcy and see if anything recorded on it. ...You did extremely well Kate."
    Kate: "Thank you, sir"
    General: "Very impressive. Not only did you complete your assignments successfully, but you're the first operative that we've sent out on what is basically a suicide mission who managed to come back."
    Kate: "Sir. A question."
    General: "Of course..."
    Kate: "How long was I in there sir?"
    General: "Well, let's see." (looking at his wrist watch) "Six minutes and fifty nine seconds. Give or take a second."
    The phone on the table behind the General starts to ring.
    The General walks over to answer it. He lifts the receiver.
    General: "Yes?"
    We do not hear the voice on the other end of the line.
    General: "Yes sir. It's done, she's back."
    He turns to look back at Kate.
    General: "I see. ...Yes sir, right away."
    He puts the receiver down.
    General: "I, uhh, have to go Kate. Tracton will take you back and let you get some shut eye. ...Kate, your country is very proud of you."
    They salute each other and exchange (slightly unusual) long looks.
    The General turns around, back to her, and closes up the briefcase next to the phone on the table.
    The two men that helped Kate up and out of the mercury lake walk away from her side in opposite directions. Tracton can be seen walking behind her and positioning himself behind Kate, on her left.
    The General is now holding the briefcase by his side ready to leave.
    Kate, aware of all of this, remains where she is.
    General: "Get some rest Kate."
    The General and the man that Kate gave the device to, both leave.
    We see Tracton aim a gun at the back of Kate's head.
    Kate: "Well Tracton shall we..."
    She doesn't finish her sentence, Tracton has shot her. She drops, lifeless, on to the hangar floor.
    The camera pulls back as Tracton walks over to check if she's dead.
    Cut to a close up of Tracton's hand dialing a number into the telephone on the table. He lifts the receiver.
    The camera moves up to provide a head and shoulders shot of Tracton.
    Tracton: "Sir, this is Tracton sir."
    The other men standing to attention in the hangar turn and start to walk away, out of shot.
    Tracton: "Yes sir. Phase two is terminated."
    As all the men leave, the camera pulls back revealing the vastness of the hangar, just like in the release ending.
    Fade to black.

  • Danke, kannte dieses Ende noch nicht!

    Zwar ohne Bilder, aber vertsändlich wenn man den Film gesehen hat.

    Det. Lt. James Gordon:"Weil er der Held ist den Gotham verdient, aber nicht der den es gerade braucht, also jagen wir ihn, weil er es ertragen kann, denn er ist kein Held, er ist ein stiller Wächter, ein wachsamer Beschützer, ein dunkler Ritter."

  • Ich könnte mal Pics posten ;)
    Werd ich morgen während der Arbeit am Nachmittag machen ;) Hoffe das das DVD Rom nicht herumzickt - kam schon öfters vor. Ist aber der gleiche Ort wie beim normalen Ende nur halt länger und mehr Dialoge.

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