Tötet Smoochy - Danny de Vito - Heist
Schauspieler-Film (Spiel)
Sam Rockwell - Confessions of a dangerous mind
Confession Of A Dangerous Minds - Drew Barrymore - E.T.
ET - Dee Wallace-Stone - The Frighteners
The Frighteners - Michael J. Fox - Greedy
Kirk Douglas --> Illusion
Ted Raimi - Das Kartell
Willem Dafoe - Spiderman
Kirsten Dunst - Elizabethtown
Orlando Bloom- Calcium Kid
Michael Lerner - Godzilla
Jean Reno - Jetlag
Jetlag - Juliette Binoche - Chocolat
Alfred Molina- Luther
Luther - Joseph Fiennes - Killing Me Softley
Heather Graham- Boogie Nights
Boogie Nights - Burt Reynolds - Stiptease
Demi Moore- G.I. Jane
G.I. Jane - Viggo - Hidalgo
Omar Sharif - Dr. Shiwago
Dr. Shiwago - Julie Christie - Finding Neverland
Johnny Depp- Dead man
Dead Man - Crispin Glover - Charlies Angels
Sam Rockwell --> the green Mile
The Green Mile - Tom Hanks - Cast Away
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