Alan Ruck - Speed
Schauspieler-Film (Spiel)
S. Bullock - Ein Herz und eine Kanone
Liam Neeson - Schindlers Liste
Caroline Goodall - Easy
Emily Deschanel - Boogeyman
Tory Mussett - Peter Pan
Jason Isaacs - Der Patriot
Heath Ledger - Candy
Geoffrey Rush - Shine
Armin Mueller-Stahl - Mission to Mars
Tim Robbins - Krieg der Welten
Dakota Fanning - Charlotte's Web
Julia Roberts (Stimme) - Fletchers Visionen
Terry Alexander - Day of the Dead
Lori Cardille - parole
Ellen Barkin - Bad Company
anthony hopkins - The Road to Wellville
Bridget Fonda - Jackie Brown
robert de niro - casino
Joe Pesci - Der 100.000 Dollar Fisch
Nick Brimble - control
Willem Dafoe - The Aviator
Leonardo di Caprio - The Departed
Matt Damon - Ocean's Eleven
George Clooney - The Good German
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